Letters From Leton: Two Bean Burritos and a Sweet Tea

It was a long Wednesday, and it had gotten late.

Lunch was eight hours ago, so on my way home around nine, I swung by the Taco Bell in Norton. Simple – just two bean burritos and a sweet tea would suffice for such a late meal.

As I drove up to the restaurant (and past a few others), I noticed that the drive-thru line was packed with cars. I parked and went inside, got my meal and was off, noting that most of the cars that were in line when I got there were still in line.

As I drove away I thought, there is so much in business (and banking) that has changed over the past few years.

Very few customers come into the bank anymore. If they do physically come to the bank, they mostly use the drive-up. As they wait in the drive-up line, they interact on their phones instead of with people.

Poring through banking reports, I note that for every customer who comes to the bank physically (sees a teller, CSR, Loan Officer), upwards of 50 customers come to the bank “digitally” (online banking, direct deposit, mobile banking, using the Mobi Money app for their debit card).

How can a business (bank) be successful in such a changed and changing world when your greatest assets (your people) have fewer and fewer opportunities to prove their value to customers?

By keeping it simple. With caring and well-trained employees who know their products and services well and treat every single personal interaction with customers as what it is – special and perhaps the last one we may have.

Stay safe and have a wonderful week.

– Leton

“Letters From Leton” is a blog series comprised of the weekly updates that Leton Harding – President, Chairman, and CEO of Powell Valley National Bank, shares with the Bank’s team members. These newsletters are full of uplifting anecdotes and intriguing insights that are applicable beyond the Bank, so we want to share them with you.