Tag: LetonsLetters

Photo of Australian Blue Heeler

Letters From Leton: Chewy!

At the 1876 Exhibition Baseball Game as a part of the Best Friends Festival, I caught up with my cousin Jo Ann – better known as Sissy. Sissy has long been an animal lover and very active in various groups training and adopting out dogs – throughout the region and beyond. We talked about the… Read more »

Leton's Letters graphic for North by Northeast

Letters From Leton: North by Northeast

All my life I have been fascinated by Compasses. The magnetic needle pointing true north. As a young lad traversing the mountains with my cousins, we would venture far. Yet we were not frightened or concerned as we used the sun as our compass to make it home safely. Per usual, a venture always turned into… Read more »

graduation graphic

Letters From Leton: Plastics!

In the classic movie, The Graduate, Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) plays a recent college graduate who is struggling to find his calling for his career. This week, you will likely have family or friends who will become graduates themselves and I suspect many of them will face the same challenge as Benjamin. During the spring,… Read more »

Leton's Letters - Do Unto Others graphic

Letters From Leton: Do Unto Others

The crossword clue asked about a theme for this time of year. After a few seconds and having determined the first letter was “U”,  I filled in the word “Unto” (for – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”). It worked! Unto – A rather simple word and not a word… Read more »